Friday, March 04, 2011


In the center of the circle of the will of God I stand,
As I launch from sheltering harbor to obey His last command.
What though waves o'erwhelm my vessel, and grim fears my faith assail
Still I'll stay upon His promise, for that cannot, 
WILL NOT fail.

In the center of the circle of the will of God I stand,
Where the warfare wages fiercest, 'tis the place that He has planned.
Though dread foes may storm my castle, and the battle seem but lost,
I Will claim in Him the victory, and hold on whate'er the cost.

In the center of the circle of the will of God I stand
There can be no second causes, all must come from His own hand,
When dark clouds obscure my vision, and the way I may not see,
I will trust Him in the darkness, for I know He pilots me.

In the center of the circle of the will of God I stand,
Though the circumstances round me show small trace of His skilled hand,
Yet in darkness as in daylight, in the gloom as sunshine fair,
I will trust Him for His presence, for I know He's always there.
-Arthur Mathews

From the book 'Green Leaf In Drought' by Isobel Kuhn

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