John Newton, born in 1725 was a slave trader who came to know Jeaus Christ as his Savior. His conversion radically changed his life, and as a result, he penned the words of probably the most popular hymn in the English language:
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
'Twas blind, but now I see.
Newton wrote his own epitaph
Once an infidel and libertine
A servant of slaves in Africa
Was, by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour
restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach
the Gospel which he had long laboured to destroy.
He ministered,
Near sixteen years in Olney, in Bucks,
And twenty-eight years in this Church.
A slaveship anchored off the African coast.
(Bibliothèque nationale, Paris)
from Bronz, et. al, The Challenge of America
(Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968), p. 155)